Jeremy's Clock CSM 1.1.3 What is it? Jeremy's Clock CSM is a Control Strip module that displays the current time and date. Compatibility The Clock CSM will work on any Macintosh. Installing the Clock CSM To install the Clock CSM, it must be placed in the Control Strip folder inside your system folder. Unfortunately, the Apple system software isn't smart enough to automatically realize that it should go there, so you must drag it to this folder manually. 1) Open your System folder. 2) Copy the Jeremy's Clock CSM file to the Control Strip Folder in your System folder. 3) Restart your computer. Configuring the Clock CSM When the Clock CSM first appears, it will look like the display below.   There are several user-configurable options, controlled by the popup menu associated with this module. To make the menu appear, click down anywhere on the clock portion of the Control Strip, and it will pop up.   Display seconds If selected, the seconds will be displayed. Turning this off will make the display smaller. Small font If selected, the clock will be displayed in Geneva. The default is Chicago, which is easier to read, but takes more space in the Control Strip. Display AM/PM If selected, either AM or PM will be displayed. Turning this off will make the display smaller. Toggling Date Display The Clock CSM will also momentarily display the current date, when you click on it. After several seconds, it will revert to displaying the current time. Revision History 1.1.3 - 21 March 1996 - Converted to Metrowerks Codewarrior. 1.1.2 - 29 March 1995 - Prevent module from interfering with screen savers. 1.1.1 - 13 January 1995 - Date now fits on smallest display. 1.1.0 - 15 September 1994 - Added toggling date display. - Improved efficiency of code. 1.0.1 - 6 June 1994 - Improved efficiency of code. 1.0.0 - 23 May 1994 - First release.